
Dining in Singapore

Dining in Singapore

by Eu Liang Lee

Posted on October 15, 2021 at 08:43 AM

Given the current SOPs and how things are progressing in Singapore during the pandemic, we were interested to know what our panelists thought about dining out.

Note that these questions were posed after the Circuit Breaker period, during the first reopening.

How Often Do You Dine Out?

Our first question was how often do our panelists dine out?

How often do you dine out?

With a lot of busy schedules being mentioned as the reason, a lot of our panelists dine out at least 2-3 days a week or more. With 14% dining out everyday. With the relatively cheap price of hawker food, it’s not hard to believe this statistic.

Additionally, dining out appears to be a favourite past time of Singaporeans. Hence why only 5% say they dine out less than a day a month. It’s likely these panel members tend to cook for themselves daily and treat dining out as a treat only to be done once a month!

Costs of Eating Out

You have many options when dining out in Singapore. Hawkers, fast food outlets, Michelin starred restaurants and more all available in Singapore.

With that, we were curious how much one of our panelists spend when dining out.

How much our panelists spend when dining out.

Given the previous question that a good chunk of our panelists dine out at least once a week, it’s safe to say that most of them do eat out at the cheaper options like hawker centers and coffee shops.

Reasons for Eating Out

Lastly we were curious what the reasons for eating out were.

Again, probably due to busy schedules, convenience is the top answer with 41%. Time also plays a big factor here as 20% said they wanted to spend time with others and 10% said it was to save time.

Variety was a factor for 12% of panelists. Food deals and offers was a factor for 6% of our panelists meaning that all those food delivery apps do appear to know what they are doing after all! 🙂

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About the Author

Eu Liang Lee


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